Robert Rector, "Five Decades of Abstraction"
Manship Theatre 100 Lafayette Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Robert Rector has spent the last fifty years of his artistic career exploring abstract and nonrepresentational work through painting. Being deeply influenced by the natural world, Rector’s work illustrates the relationship between the environment and our human experience. Rector studied under LSU Professor Emeritus Edward Pramuk and has maintained a close creative relationship over the years. Pramuk describes Rector as “…an artist who produces visionary images which flow from his Southern birthright. He is, by any measure, a visual poet.” Five Decades of Abstraction: A Retrospective will open at The Gallery at Manship Theatre on March 10, with an opening reception on March 17 from 6:30 pm–8:30 pm. The exhibition will be on view until May 6. Exhibition and opening reception are free and open to the public.