How do you enjoy your CR?
This past November, on a mild and muggy morning at the Louisiana Book Festival, we, the editors at Country Roads, greeted scores of readers who stopped by our table to collect a bookmark and the latest copy of the magazine. Apart from the gushing comments about November’s serendipitously timed Film & Literature theme, we heard from longtime readers just how they enjoyed their Country Roads.
One woman shared how she would read the magazine cover-to-cover with her grandmother in her living room; others told us about being dedicated readers for decades, or confided where they regularly found their copies. Most memorably, one older couple described a monthly ritual in which husband and wife would head to Baton Rouge’s Coffee Call, collect their copies of the magazine from the restaurant stand, purchase their coffee, and read the issue together. Reader, we were smitten with the tales.
This begs the question: How do you enjoy your Country Roads? After almost forty-two years of publishing in this region, we hope our magazine might have become a meaningful fixture in some of your lives. Whether you’re a college student killing time at a coffee shop or a frazzled parent searching for seasonal activities for your family, we want to hear your Country Roads memories. We will read them all, and we will print the ones we find the most moving, humorous, or enlightening in a forthcoming edition of this magazine.
Email your anecdotes to editorial@countryroadsmag.com. Or if you prefer, pen us a hard copy. Please send your musings to PO Box 490. St. Francisville LA 70775.