Are you the sort to scale fences, wade through tall grasses, or veer roadside when an overgrown barn comes into sight? Then you could be featured in our magazine.
In our ongoing effort to catalog every cultural nook and cranny in the region, we turn our gaze (and lens) to the forgotten, faded things. That crumbling bridge spanning out to nowhere. That echoing building with its occupants long gone. The theme is "Relics," and we're opening the door to your photo submissions.
Each month in 2016, we will profile a different photograph on the back page of Country Roads, accompanied by an interview with the adventurous photographer. Are you up to snuff?
Here's how to enter:
Send your submissions to with the subject line "Relics: 2016 Photo Project." Include a short description of the photo (including a title for the photo, location, and history if you can provide it).
All photographs should be at least 300dpi and larger than 4.5 inches. Photographers may submit up to four photos at once. We will be accepting submissions all year. The winner will receive: A profile in the print and digital versions of Country Roads Magazine. Read the 2016 profiles by clicking on the images below.
Read the 2015 profiles: