Femme Funk Fête
A celebration of all things Black, Feminine, and Funky
Contemporary Arts Center 900 Camp Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130
At the Contemporary Arts Center's first ever Femme Funk Fête, a major pillar of the vital genre is held up high: black feminine energy. This darty, hosted by Chip Kandake, features a specila set by New Orleans' own Queen of Rare Groove, DJ Soul Sister, as well as appearances by Girls Rock NOLA and a dance performance honoring select New Orleans Unsung Funktress, with one-of-a-kind sound from Mystery Zone Soundsystem and audio curated by DJ Kuti Bien. Taking place on the CAC's first floor, including the Material Life Les Femmes Féroces retail space and the Femmes Féroces Oval Gallery exhibition. 1 pm–4 pm. Free admission. cacno.org.