Opéra Louisiane's Sofa Series for Kids
Statewide Baton Rouge, Louisiana
While school closures have stopped students from physically attending field trips, Opéra Louisiane's new virtual platform, Sofa Series for Kids, allows Opéra Louisiane to connect to thousands of elementary students at a deeper level. Opéra Louisiane has made three opera masterpieces specifically made for children through the Young People’s Opera Program available online completely free of charge coming on Friday, May 8. The three operas—The Magic Flute, Cinderella, and Hansel and Gretel—are ninety minutes each and include an educational packet, a booklet with activities, and educational videos. Parents are encouraged to work through some of these activities with their children prior to watching the opera. There are also fun quizzes and questions that children are asked to reflect on at the end of each opera. Studies have shown that students who are exposed to music programs score higher on verbal and math portions of tests, more potential for self-discovery, gain better skills in socialization and problem-solving, and have a better understanding of their world. This educational tool will allow children to get creative and provides them with a much-needed platform that sparks imagination. operalouisiane.com