Outside Mullingar
Two yearning and eccentric souls fight their way towards solid ground and some kind of happiness.
Café Americain 7521 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806
The Baton Rouge Irish Club's latest Dinner Theatre iteration features two weekends of performances of the play, Outside Mullingar. Anthony and Rosemary are two introverted misfits straddling forty. Anthony has spent his entire life on a cattle farm in rural Ireland, a state of affairs that suits him well, due to his painful shyness. Rosemary, who is determined to win him over, lives next door. With Anthony’s father threatening to disinherit him and a land feud simmering between their families, Rosemary has every reason to fear romantic catastrophe. In this Irish story, these yearning and eccentric souls fight their way towards solid ground and some kind of happiness. Friday & Saturday performances start at 7:30 pm with dinner service at 6 pm; Sunday performances begin at 2:30 pm with lunch service at 1 pm. $15 tickets available at Café Americain, cash or check only; dinner reservations will be taken at time of ticket purchase. 7521 Jefferson Highway. facebook.com/batonrougeirishclub.