Basin Arts' SURFACE
Acadiana Center for the Arts 101 West Vermilion Street, Lafayette, Louisiana 70501
A hub for creativity of all kinds in Acadiana, Basin Arts will host a new original dance work by its Basin Dance Collective. SURFACE, a collaboration of choreography by Basin Arts founder Clare Cook, body painting by Brittney Pelloquin, and abstract painting by Dirk Guidry, looks amid the world's abrasive extremes to find humanity. 7:30 pm each night at Acadiana Center for the Arts. $28.
Don't miss: On Thursday evening, the performance will extend into a fundraiser to celebrate Basin Arts' new non-profit status. $125, includes a ticket to the dance performance, backstage access and a post-show party, called SCRATCH the SURFACE, in the loading dock with the SURFACE dancers and Basin Arts resident artists. Scratch Farm Kitchen will cater SCRATCH the SURFACE with their noteworthy farm-to-table culinary style; taking inspiration for the dishes from Basin Arts programming. Live music by Bomo Bango playing Congolese Rumba music with a bevy of top-notch local musicians, industrial-chic atmosphere by The Designing Women of Acadiana, a silent auction, and on-site interactive art experiences throughout the night.