Tour du Teche 135
A grueling but scenic paddle race all the way down the Bayou Teche, 135 miles in all.
Port Barre, La Port Barre, Louisiana 70577
Is there a better way to cruise through Acadiana than on the calm waters of Bayou Teche? We think not. The Tour du Teche is a three day canoe/kayak/pirogue/SUP adventure race that passes through the parishes of St. Landry, St. Martin, Iberia, and St. Mary. It's a total of 135 miles, the entire length of the Teche. There are two classes: "Pro Race," in which the fastest boats and paddlers from around the world vie for cash prizes; and "Voyageur Race," or recreational, in which participants challenge themselves and each other for trophies, bragging rights, and adventure. Paddlers will experience scenery, camaraderie … and, after 135 miles, presumably muscle failure, hallucinations, and utter exhaustion. $125 to register.