Time for Tiny Poems

Last month we asked you/for a haiku, maybe two/ Thank you for these words


Noemi Macavei Katocz

The muses have spoken! At the end of March, we asked our readers to send us haikus written in the midst of the COVID-19 stay-at-home order. As many of you noted in your emails, this small inclination to enjoy a bit of thoughtful entertainment turned out to be a perfect salve for our stressed-out senses. Take a look at some of our favorites (from Florida to Croatia, no less!) below.


Even fresh air is suspect,

Each delicious gulp.

—Lyn Markey

standing apart—

fresh blossom embraces

closely its petals

—Pravat Kumar Padhy

We rush and rush

Now we must pause and learn

Never to rush again. 

—Susan Walsh

One tiny powder wingtip

Fluttering echoes

Beauty emerges softly.

—Tamara Marr

with masks and gloves.

we resemble each other like

two drops of water

—Vasile Moldovan

Daylight breaks, a gloomy day?

Oops—dropped my last egg—

Sunny side up—I'll take it!

—Marsha Engelbrecht 

Silent classroom board

Still shows the last day, just like

When Katrina roared.

—Rachele Smith

Babe arrives, a gift

To slow the chaos of a

World hungry for spring

—Joyce Hunt

silent streets

past years' murmur from a

photo album page

­­ —Judit Hollos

during pandemic

my father's thoughts circle

around the orchard

  —Goran Gatalica

Seek your truth within, 

for there are hidden treasures 

where a good thing ends. 

—Javier Mota

bathed in a light beam

mighty snuggle turns to snooze

the wild angel rests

—Meredith Mahoney

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