Lucie Monk Carter
The 30° 90° gold lager is Abita's latest year-round brew.
Abita's doubled down on its local roots in recent years. The old guard's still quite popular—Amber and Purple Haze continue to represent Louisiana in larger markets—but newer brews from the Springs source their names from the area, particularly the city thirty miles south: New Orleans. The scenically-driven Bayou Bootlegger hard root beer and Cypress Kriek (the brewery's first sour) are joined by the Big Easy IPA and the Bourbon Street series, among others. The implication is twofold—not only is Abita reaching out to the state's craft beer enthusiasts, reminding them that they're just as Louisiana-proud, but the names also reflect a nationwide enthusiasm for the Bayou State and its mystique. Why be simply Amber when you can be the Shotgun Double IPA?
This latest effort, the year-round 30° 90° gold lager, is a quickly comprehended treasure map. "Coordinates to a Good Time," the can reads, with a pale map crisscrossing behind the logo. Correctamundo, you're headed to New Orleans. The lager is brewed with pilsner malt, then hopped and dry-hopped with Cascade hops. Sold in a six-pack of cans—the first concession Abita's made to the format in three years—the 30° 90° may, on the surface, steer a consumer to thoughts of the French Quarter, bare branches dripping with Mardi Gras beads, and thrums of "Who Dat?" but can be enjoyed with feet still firmly planted in other points throughout Louisiana. Enjoy it at home or ship it off to a friend, to remind them what they're missing by daring to be anywhere else.