June at State Parks
Statewide Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Each month the good folks at Louisiana State Parks send us a listing of information for all the programs taking place at park properties during the month to come. The June calendar contains upwards of seventy-five programs, ranging from dutch oven-cooking demonstrations to guided birdwatching hikes, to primitive woodworking, canoe tours, and living-history sessions. So don't spend this time of year indoors; visit the wide open spaces cared for by the State Parks system. Here is a small sampling of adventures on offer.
• Wednesdays—Sundays, Acadian Farmstead Tour, Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site, St. Martinville: The tour focuses on the lifestyle of the average Acadian immigrant/settler between the late 1700s to mid 1800s and demonstrates how Acadian culture has significantly influenced the region along the Bayou Teche while featuring everyday lifestyle of the typical Acadian family. (337) 394-3754.
• June 1, Drinks of an Early America, Audubon State Historic Site, St. Francisville: Come take a taste of what those in the early nineteenth century America were drinking for refreshment. Try a shrub, birch beer, or even a Switchel among many other drinks. (225) 635-3739.
• June 22, A Summer Tea, Forts Randolph and Buhlow State Historic Site, Pineville: Learn about etiquette, pastimes, and fanciful foods of the Victorian era while participating in a traditional tea. The program will include a history of the tea party, tea etiquette, tea games, and more. 2 pm–4 pm. $10; pre-registration is required and the deadline is June 15. Guests are welcome to dress up for the occasion as well. (318) 484-2390.
And much more! Visit crt.state.la.us/louisiana-state-parks for a full list.