World Championship Gumbo Cookoff
Turning up the heat
Bouligny Plaza 100 West Main Street, New Iberia, Louisiana 70560

Flickr user jeffreyw
The Greater Iberia Chamber of Commerce will host its twenty-eighth annual World Championship Gumbo Cook-off, taking over historic downtown Main Street with a two-day event that features Cajun cuisine and music (fondly dubbed Cajun Creole Foodfest). The main competition is held on Sunday, when around one hundred team compete to call themselves the "gumbo champion” in a part of the world that doesn't mess with sub par gumbo. Music artists Chubby Carrier, Hwy 90, Two in the Chamber, Jaryd Lane, Jason Miller Band, Geno Delafose, and Roddie Romero will be performing at the pavilion. 102 West Main Street. (337) 364-1836 or for full schedule. Free.