Photo by Nikki Krieg
Sugar Cane Plume, Saccharum giganteum
Sugar Cane Plume, Saccharum giganteum
Sugar Cane Plume Grass is a native cousin to the more familiar plant from which sugar is actually made. Not for the faint of heart, nor the tiny space, this grass reaches tall and possesses great drama. Its bloom is a deep burgundy, almost copper, and it naturally chooses moist areas to grow—bogs, swells, ditches. But I find it does great through drought and have often seen it grow on steep angles and atop roadside hills. It’s a lovely addition to a rain garden or pondside. It can get up to ten feet tall and spreads over the years. Choose the space for it thoughtfully and divide by roots sporadically to help contain it if needed.
[Read this: "October Plant Spotlight: Ironweed, Vernonia gigantea"]