Freelance writer Jeremy Alford has been contributing to Country Roads since 2003 and is considered to be a loose-yet-valuable cannon by the editorial staff. He’ll write about practically anything, from soul food to painting, but is drawn most often to the cultural pantheon of south Louisiana. By day, he’s a freelance journalist on the Bayou State’s political beat and feeds news to a syndication of local newspapers and magazines. During his time as a scribe-for-hire, Alford has also contributed to The New York Times, Dallas Morning News and Associated Press. He’s won several regional and statewide awards for his work. Around the office, we call him “Kahuna.” Jeremy lives in Baton Rouge with his lovely wife, Karron, and their social experiment in parenting, the adorable Zoe. He has a Web site with stories about pirates, corrupt politicians and other info that simply won’t fit here. So jump on over to