With art, we endeavor for the eternal, an undeniable truth ensconced within the work that will still rivet future generations gazing upon our runes or capsuled Snapchats. Arts markets are a slightly different beast—still things of beauty and products of quality but ones that anticipate what a passerby will toss twenty-five dollars at but might not stop a twenty-second-century Keats in his tracks.
The Baton Rouge Arts Market, run by the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge since 1988, has long been a destination for particularly discerning shoppers. Artist vendors are juried in by an anonymous (but highly qualified) panel and endorsed by the Arts Council before they ever set up shop. The market opens to new vendors each January and August, but once you’re in, you’re in. Until now.
To celebrate the twentieth anniversary, the market has rejuried for the first time since its advent. “Foot traffic has died down. If you’ve been a longtime patron of the market, there’s nothing really new to see,” said Amy Strother, a independent creative consultant brought in by the Arts Council to refresh the Arts Market. “It doesn’t feel as vibrant as it used to.”
In recent years, the outlets boasting local art have grown. “Now you can access it Monday through Sunday,” said Strother. “Because of that, the Arts Council has a responsibility to make sure their market continues to not just stay on the cusp of trends—it has to also be exciting to go to.”
Don’t expect a November market fully awash in millennial pink (that blush tone on your niece’s phone case) or cross-stitched hashtags. Today’s trends were a consideration for the panel, which convened its usual members in early October along with two new jurors who provided both youth and merchandising experience, as were meticiulous finishes and a diversity of media—but cool has always had currency here. It’s a market full of artists, after all.
Other changes coming to the market, which will take place on both November 3 & 17 this month, include a special section devoted to Baton Rouge Masters and a new area for apparel, skincare products, and other crafts.
Click here to read about the anniversary celebrations. For more on the Arts Market, visit artsbr.org/batonrougeartsmarket.