A Sense of Place—and Loss: A Workshop on Facing Change through Folklife, Science, and the Arts
Nicholls State University 906 East 1st Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70310
Following a trying flood season, with high levels of consciousness upon environmental disaster and the fragility of our South Louisiana landscapes, the Bayou Culture Collaborative invites regional artists (traditional, contemporary, visual, musical, literary, etc.) and scientists to a free immersive workshop to examine opportunities for advocacy and creativity in the face of land loss and cultural shift.
The workshop will be facilitated by Lisa Rathje, Director of Local Learning: The National Network for Folk Arts in Education. Workshop presenters include: Monique Verdin, artist/author; Shana Walton, Nicholls State University; and Gary LaFleur, Nicholls State University Center for Bayou Studies.
Free, but space is limited. Lunch provided. To register, contact Nichole Babin at (985) 447-0868 or nicole@btnep.org.