April Groovy Movie at Cité des Arts: 'His Girl Friday'
Cité des Arts 109 Vine Street, Lafayette, Louisiana 70501
The Groovy Movies at Cité des Arts occur on the first Monday of each month and will feature the best in classic comedies, dramas, film noir, and forgotten treasures from the history of national and international cinema. The next Groovy Movie will feature Howard Hawk’s fast-paced and irreverent screwball 1940 comedy His Girl Friday, starring Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell. His Girl Friday is nineteenth on the American Film Institute’s 100 Years…100 Laughs list compiled in 2000, and in 1993 was preserved in the United States National Film Registry at the Library of Congress as “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” 7 pm. $10 at the door or at citedesarts.org.