Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebratory Read-Aloud
Main Library at Goodwood 7711 Goodwood Boulevard, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806
Modeled on the National African American Read-In, a groundbreaking effort encouraging communities to read African American stories and authors together, the East Baton Rouge Parish Libraries present a Celebratory Read Aloud in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Honoring Dr. King's passion for literacy, readers of all ages are invited to choose from a selection of books and poems (or to bring their own) to read aloud from. The events are scheduled at local branches as follows:
January 15, 10:30 am: Baker Branch, Carver Branch, Central Branch, Eden Park Branch, Fairwood Branch, Pride-Chaneyville Branch
January 15, 3 pm: Delmont Gardens Branch, Scotlandville Branch, Zachary Branch
January 16, 3 pm: Main Library at Goodwood, Bluebonnet Regional Branch, Greenwell Springs Road Regional Branch, Jones Creek Regional Branch.