Flood Recovery and Roses
Fairwood Branch Library 12910 Old Hammond Highway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
The East Baton Rouge Master Gardeners are always willing to lend their expertise to those new to puttering around the garden. Two lectures at the Fairwood Branch Library will set your soil right.
Horticulture agent Lee Rouse begins the evening with "Restoring Flood-Ravaged Landscapes," citing winter as the perfect time to take a soil analysis, get a handle on which plantings survived high water in the 2016 floods, and choose flood resilient selections for still empty spaces. Carol Paine leads the evening's second lecture, "Get Rosy!" Novice rose enthusiasts will learn the differences between modern and antique roses as well as the characteristics of climbers, ramblers, shrub, and drift roses.The presentation also reviews a parade of new disease-resistant and easy-care varieties that are particularly suited to the Gulf south’s hot and humid conditions.
6 pm–8 pm. Free. ebrmg.com.