Giant Omelette Celebration
Let's get crackin'
Abbeville Abbeville, Louisiana 70510

The locals of Abbeville will be highly eggcited if you choose to join them for their annual Giant Omelette Celebration. No less than five thousand eggs—five thousand—go into the giant omelette in question, and there are plenty of other activities to keep festival-goers occupied while the omelette cooks in a twelve-foot skillet balanced over an open fire in historic Magdalen Square. Eggspect one of Acadiana's largest juried art shows, the procession of chefs, kids' world activities, exhibits of antique cars and farm equipment, a charity walk and bike ride, an egg cracking contest; and live music. Visitors from abroad will be present to represent "the sisterhood of cities who celebrate the omelette." Free. 9 am–5 pm Saturday; 6 am–4:30 pm Sunday.