Imahara's Spring Garden Tours
Imahara's Botanical Gardens 5341 Mahoney Road, Saint Francisville, Louisiana 70775
Photo by Nalini Raghavan
Spring awakens at Imahara’s Botanical Garden with two thousand blooming azaleas, the intoxicating fragrance from the Japanese Magnolia collection, an exotic display of colors in the Will Mangham Camellia Garden, and the fresh `spring-green’ foliage of the thirty-acre "Virgin Cypress" Swamp. Enter through the Torii Gates, stroll the 9 Pond Path, climb "Mount Fuji" for panoramic views, cross the Zig-Zag bridge, and leave all your cares behind.
Join family and staff for guided garden tours and learn all about Haiku, displayed in hand-carving on Cypress boards. Open every weekend in spring. For tour times, admission fee, and directions, please visit imaharasbotanicalgarden.