Lunchtime Lagniappe: Woodrow Wilson and the Paris Peace Conference
Capitol Park Museum 660 North 4th Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Bring your brown bag to the Capitol Park Museum today for Lunchtime Lagniappe. Dr. Gunter Bischof leads a talk on controversial peacemaker and president Woodrow Wilson, who reluctantly led the U.S. into World War I. Following the war, the president's 14-point plan served as a blueprint for the peace conference in Paris, where difficult treaty negotiations showed that Wilson's European allies imagined a very different sort of peace for the post-war world. Dr. Bischof is University Research Professor of History, the Marshall Plan Chair and Director of CenterAustria: The Austrian Marshall Plan Center for European Studies at UNO; served as a visiting professor at LSU after Hurricane Katrina; and is the author of numerous books. Noon. Free. Attendees are asked to bring their own lunches and may come and go as their schedules require. (225) 342-5428.