EBR Master Gardeners Talk Medicinal Plants, Attracting Birds
Two free programs from the East Baton Rouge Master Gardeners
Central Branch Library 11260 Joor Road, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70818
The East Baton Rouge Master Gardeners greet summertime by bringing presentations about Medicinal Plants and Attracting Birds, to the Central Branch Library.
Medicinal Plants. Master Gardener Lyn Hakeem and Dr. Margaret Evans will provide a brief history of medicinal plants, with a focus on herbs that Dr. Evans has used in treatment and care of some of her patients. Hands-on preparations will teach audience member show to prepare medicinal herbs effectively.
Attracting Birds. Want to attract more birds to your yard? Master Gardener Bob Dillemuth will discuss planning design, plant selection, habitat creation and other enhancements designed to make birds feel welcome in the home landscape. A Master Gardener since 2006, Dillemuth is a past president of the Louisiana Native Plant Society and a certified Louisiana Master Naturalist.
5:30 pm at the Central Library, 11260 Joor Road. Free. ebrmg.wildapricot.org