Orchid Show and Plant Sale
The Baton Rouge Orchid Society hosts its annual Orchid Show and Sale, where hundreds of exotic orchids will be on display, including leafless orchids that consist only of roots and flowers.
Burden Museum & Gardens 4560 Essen Lane, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

The Baton Rouge Orchid Society hosts its annual Orchid Show and Sale, where hundreds of exotic orchids will be on display, including leafless orchids that consist only of roots and flowers. Visitors will see everything from plants with six foot spikes of flowers to miniscule blooms best viewed with a magnifying glass. Many orchids feature fragrances to attract their pollinators, so visitors can also expect the aromas of chocolate, grape, and other sweet or spicy smells. Throughout the weekend, members of the Baton Rouge Orchid Society will be on hand to greet guests, provide guidance in purchasing plants, and answer questions about orchid culture. Have an orchid to re-pot? Bring it and get a demonstration from an experienced member (one plant per person, please). At the Ione Burden Conference Center, 4560 Essen Lane. 9 am–5 pm on Saturday and 10 am–4 pm on Sunday. Free. Details at batonrougeorchidsociety.org.