Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival
Ponchatoula's big, sweet spring festival
Ponchatoula Memorial Park 301 North Sixth Street, Ponchatoula, Louisiana 70454

James Sutton
Celebrate the season with a strawberry-stained grin at the annual Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival. From humble beginnings, the event has ripened into a true Louisiana celebration to which thousands travel. Come take part in the rides, games, music, food, and of course, the finest Louisiana strawberries. A dizzying array of events includes the Strawberry Parade (kicks off Saturday morning), Strawberry Auction, and Strawberry Strut as well as carnival rides, food booths, games like the strawberry-eating contest (picture it!), sack races, nonstop musical entertainment, pageantry, and kids' activities, all in Ponchatoula Memorial Park. Free. lastrawberryfestival.com.
Read more about Louisiana's strawberry history here.