Rapid Eye Movement
Works by Courtney Miley
The Healthcare Gallery 3488 Brentwood Drive, Suites 102 & 103, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809
Courtney Miley
Artist Courtney Miley seeks to gift her work's viewers with a sort of lucid dream. Her paintings, with brushstrokes across the canvas, invite the viewer to conduct rapid eye movements, mimicking the REM sleep state, making the dream more vivid and the viewer's body more relaxed. Her work will be on display at the Healthcare Gallery & Wellness Spa from July 22–October 4. An opening reception will be held on August 9 from 5:30 pm–7:30 pm. spabatonrouge.com.
The Healthcare Gallery
3488 Brentwood Drive, Suites 102 & 103, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809
Greater Baton Rouge
Exhibits, Health & Wellness, Visual Arts