She Said
LeMieux Galleries 332 Julia Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130
Leslie Nichols
"To See Takes Time," type text on paper, 48"x48"
New Lemieux Galleries artist Leslie Nichols merges the art of the printed word with that of visual arts—using a combination of typewriters, stamps, and letterpress to visualize the historical context of women's lives. In She Said, her most recent collection of large-scale portraits, she starts the work with an interview. From there, she weaves together phrases from the conversation with poems, essays, and historical documents that have some relevance to the sitter. Says the artist: "As I visually layer words, I am interested in portraying the substance of contemporary women's lives and creating connections to her story through time." On view from October 5–November 16, with an opening reception from 6 pm–9 pm on October 5 in conjunction with Art for Arts' Sake.