The Little Mermaid Visits: Ocean of Possibilities Reading Program
East Baton Rouge Parish Library 7711 Goodwood Blvd, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806
Pack up your littles this month and bring them "where the people are": the East Baton Rouge Parish Libraries. As part of its "Oceans of Possibilities" reading program throughout the parish, the library is hosting a tour of Little Mermaid events, featuring visits from Ariel of the Petite Princess Company. The Little Mermaid will lead "Under the Sea" story times, ocean education sessions, and fun activities with shells and bubbles. This summer's visits are as follows:
July 6: Greenwell Springs Branch, 2:30 pm.
July 7: Delmont Gardens Branch, 10 am.
July 8: Fairwood Branch, 10:30 am.
July 11: Bluebonnet Branch, 10:30 am.
July 12: Scotlandville Branch, 10:30 am.
July 13: Central Branch, 10:30 am.
July 14: Carver Branch, 2:30 pm.