The Underpants at Playmakers Theater
Bloomers, no less.
Playmakers Theater 19106 Playmakers Road, Covington, Louisiana 70435
Playmakers Theatre brings The Underpants to the stage. Steve Martin, renowned comedic actor and author of Picasso at the Lapine Agile, penned this wild satire adapted from a classic German play by Carl Sternheim. Theobald Marke has an unusual problem: his wife's underpants won't stay up, and the couple’s conservative existence is shattered when Louise's bloomers fall down in public one Sunday morning—a public scandal! Though she pulls them up quickly, Theo is terrified that the incident will cost him his government desk job, and swears he'll have to keep Louise at home until she can find some less unruly undies. Louise's momentary display does not result in the feared scandal, but it does attract two infatuated men, each of whom wants to rent the spare room in the Markes' home. Oblivious of their amorous objectives, Theo splits the room between them, happy to collect rent from both the foppish poet and the whiny hypochondriac.