Wetland Wednesdays with 4-H Youth Wetlands Program
Statewide Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisiana is home to some of the nation’s most productive wetlands. To get students educated on their importance, the LSU AgCenter Youth Wetlands Program has launched several digital education initiatives, including Wetland Wednesdays, a series of educational activities that can be conducted in any size wetland, including ponds, small ditches and bayous, or a conservation activity with a wetland component. The program at large is creating content that involves activities that can be done at home while students across the state shelter in place. Wetland Wednesdays can be found on the Youth Wetland Program Instagram and Facebook pages, said Catherine Fox, an extension associate with wetlands responsibilities. 4-H intends to run Wetland Wednesdays through the end of May. For more information, visit lsuagcenter.com/topics/kids_teens/projects/ywp/.