"Why Louisiana Ain’t Mississippi… or Any Place Else!" LPB Documentary Screenings in New Orleans
Natchez & Vicksburg , Mississippi

Courtesy of Louisiana Public Broadcasting
The beauty of the state capitol is revealed in detail in this drone shot. The Mississippi Riverfigures heavily in the new LPB production"Why Louisiana Ain’t Mississippi... or Any Place Else!"
Louisiana Public Broadcasting makes a mission of sharing Louisiana stories about what makes the Bayou State unique, and in December 2022 premiered a new two-part, four-hour documentary mini-series that does just that titled Why Louisiana Ain’t Mississippi… or Any Place Else! Led by host Jay Dardenne, the series walks viewers through the countless contributions Louisiana has made to the world in the realms of music, cuisine, art, history, athletics, politics, and beyond. “The show itself is a gumbo. It’s part history lesson, part travelogue, part cultural exploration, and we’re doing it all with some unexpected humor,” said LPB Executive Producer Linda Midgett. Now, Why Louisiana Ain’t Mississippi… or Any Place Else! will be screened for New Orleans audiences, thanks to a partnership with WYES-TV and WLAE-TV. WLAE-TV will air the series on Tuesday, February 7 and Wednesday, February 8 from 4 pm–6 pm; and on WYES-TV from 7 pm–11 pm February 4. Find more information and a Spotify playlist of Louisiana music featured in the documentary at whylouisiana.lpb.org.