All Y'all Live
Live storytelling in Shreveport
Shreveport, La. Shreveport, Louisiana
All Y’all, a Shreveport-based live storytelling event series and podcast, will host its fourteenth live event. Unlike previous All Y’all live storytelling events, “Wildcard” will not feature a curated group of storytellers on a common theme. This time around, every audience member should come prepared to tell a brief, true story if their name is drawn at random, or to nominate someone to tell a story in their place. Stories can be on any topic and must be shorter than ten minutes in length. A high-quality cash bar will be provided by Southern Fork Catering, and there will be live musical interludes. $15 at Studio 616 at 616 Texas Street in Shreveport. 7 pm. For more info, tickets, and to stream podcast episodes of past stories, visit Read our September 2017 story about All Y'all, "So, What's the Story?" here.