Baton Rouge Cat Show
Lamar-Dixon Expo Center 9039 Saint Landry Avenue, Gonzales, Louisiana 70737

Lucie Monk Carter
Hold on to your catnip, all you ailurophiles, because here comes the Greater Baton Rouge Cat Club's annual cat show. Cats will be smoothly strutting their stuff through six judging rings during the competitive heats, held as usual at the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center. From Russian Blues to Maine Coons, Persians, Siamese, Siberians, Sphynx—loads of breeds will be there competing in several categories and for the "Best of the Best" award. And lest anyone's moggy should feel excluded, there's also a special category for housecats, which need not be purebreds to participate. Vendors with pet accessories and local rescue groups will be on the scene, too. 9:30 am–5 pm. $8 adults, $6 seniors and children. Children twelve and younger are free.