Harpstrings Jewelry Valentines Pop Up & Button History Talk
LEVEE GALLERY 1617 North 18th Street , Monroe, Louisiana 71201
Lisa Harp of Harpstrings Jewelry rescues forgotten antique buttons so they can be worn and enjoyed once again as unique jewelry pieces. Levee Gallery invites button lovers for a Brown Bag Lunch Talk at noon as Harp shares a brief history of these fantastic little creations. She will cover mourning buttons, perfume buttons, and Victorian Twinkle buttons as well as displaying original garments of the era. Most of the buttons Harp uses were made in Paris ca. 1860–1880. Pop up from 11 am–4 pm; talk at noon. Free, but please RSVP. (318) 537-9006 or info@leveegallery.com. Details here.