Wit & Wrath: The Life & Times of Dorothy Parker
Shearman Fine Arts Annex 4205 Ryan Street, Lake Charles, Louisiana
One hundred years later, does the witty wisdom of the most widely read and quoted woman of the 1920s still land? Find out in Claudia Baumgarten's presentation of Wit & Wrath: The Life and Times of Dorothy Parker, which introduces us to one of America's most acid tongues. Drawing from her social critiques of the rich and complacent, advocations for the less fortunate, and her fiction, poetry, and film scripts—Baumgarten recreates her iconic voice, all culminating in a performance of The Waltz, a theatrical adaptation of Parker's humorous, yet poignant, first person narrative in which she mutters to herself, confides in the audience, then politely declines but finally acquiesces to dance with the man who is the bane of her evening. At the Tritico Theatre at the Shearman Fine Arts Annex. 7 pm. $20; $5 for children younger than 5. banners.org.