Feliciana Hummingbird Celebration (HumFest)
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a... little, colorful bird!
St. Francisville, La. Saint Francisville, Louisiana 70775
The National Wild Bird Refuge's annual humdinger of a celebration once again sets out to highlight nature's avian jewels, and teach visitors how to attract them to the garden by creating alluring hummingbird habitats. The celebration promotes the singular breeding habit found in the Felicianas and provides opportunities to observe hummingbirds up-close as they are banded at two private homes. Hummingbird-friendly plants will also be available for sale. From 7 am–3 pm, master banders will set up at two private St. Francisville-area gardens to capture and band birds for release. Visitors will be able to view the hummingbirds up-close as they are weighed and measured, and visit various vendors offering hummingbird plants for sale. Garden destinations this year will be those of Carlisle Rogillio, 15736 Tunica Trace (Hwy 66); and the garden of wildlife artist Murrell Butler, 9485 Oak Hill Road. Free admission. audubonbirdfest.com or (800) 488-6502.